Tuesday 25 March 2014

We are making Ice-cream!

In sync with English Unit 4: Making Ice-cream, the boys and I experimented with making this delicious treat ourselves, manually. Yes, no machines involved.

One Big Ziplog bag
One small Ziplog bag
Whipping cream
Hershey's cocoa powder
M&Ms (optional)
Marshmallow (optional)
Ice cubes (not in picture)

All the boys had a chance to shake the mixture in the ice-filled bag. After 10 minutes of shaking......

This is the 'victim' after 10 minutes of not-too-vigorous shaking. The boys were careful not to break the bag hence they did not shake as vigorously as they could have. The result was a mixture somewhere in between a milk shake and a real ice-cream. We could have used crushed ice instead of ice cubes to make sure the coldness is even. In addition, we could haven shaken the bag for a longer time such that it can freeze into a harder texture.

Dig in!

Welcome back to Term 2!

Dear parents and students, welcome back to school! I hope that all have had a good break during the March Holidays. Term 2 will be a tighter term as compared to Term 1 as there will be a few public holidays in the calendar. However, it is good to know that they boys already have a habit of tuning in quickly to lessons such that we can make use of every precious lesson time to gear them up for SA1 taking place in May. You would have received the school's letter of notification (dated 24/3/14) on SA1 Examination dates. The boys have already taken note of the dates.  

Term 1 Post-Examination Activity


The boys were really excited about this 2D1N camp in school as it will be their first experience sleeping in the school with their friends. Over the 2 days, the boys had many fun-filled activities going on that teaches them about leadership, innovation as well as team spirit. They also built their confidence from the rock-climbing activity with Onsight Rock Climbing, and not forgetting the thrilling night walk around the school compound. The boys spent all their time in the camp with their classmates and this provides a very good bonding experience among themselves and with their teachers too.

Term 1 Post-Examination Activity


The boys went through half a day of interesting lesson with Mr Eddy, learning how to be an effective speaker. Besides learning how to craft a speech that will interest your audience, Mr Eddy also imparted skills on how to lock in the audience's attention by speaking with confidence.

Monday 3 March 2014

Play with Team Spirit and Integrity!

During Precious Moments lesson last Friday, the boys played a game in small groups. This game requires them to close their eyes and form shapes or alphabets with the pens they have.

During the game, we could hear some boys shouting in frustration as they couldn't agree on who to listen to. Of course, with an angry boy there will definitely be another upset boy who cannot tolerate being shouted. That's when the lesson on team spirit comes in. Following that, the game proceeded more smoothly.

The groups had to raise their hands when the goal is achieved. However, we overheard someone shouting,"Eeiii, not nice lah". That's when we got curious too. Weren't they supposed to play the game with their eyes closed? Then how did they get to check if the shape or alphabet was nice or not?


We grow Sunflowers!

In line with English Unit 3, Ruby's Sunflowers, and the topic in Science of Plant systems, the boys planted sunflowers in class last Friday. The class is divided into 4 teams where they take care of their own seedlings and water them every day. Jordan and Keegan is in charged of bringing the pot to the corridor every morning where there is plenty of sunshine.

Just a weekend passed and they boys appeared disappointed when they asked," Why the plant hasn't grown yet?"

Wednesday 26 February 2014


The bite-sized assessment covers Whole Numbers. Pupils must know the following:

1) Place value
2) Estimation
3) Multiplication
4) Division
5) Word Problems on 4 Operation of Whole numbers

Multiplication and Division were taught more recently so they can remember the work better. Estimation was taught earlier so they might have forgotten how to do it. Many pupils in this class are more visual learners and need a number line to help them with estimation.

TAILOR-MADE Homework Board


This is the legendary homework board which I have mentioned to parents about. This board is strategically placed at the front of the class so that no students will miss it. Teachers will make it a point to write down assigned homework. Students will also be reminded to jot it down in their student diaries.


Some parents have given feedback about not knowing the dates for the coming Bite-sized assessment and they are worried for their children not having ample time to revise their work. I will like to draw your attention to a circular dated 5th February 2014.

In this circular, it is clearly stated that Mother Tongue assessment will be on week 8, specifically 27/2/2014. The rest of the papers will be on week 9. Specific dates were also given in a small slip of reminder and parental acknowledgement is required.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


For Science, please revise BOTH notes file and worksheet files on PLANT SYSTEMS.

*sample picture taken from http://www.biologyjunction.com/images/plantbody.jpg

What makes a good classmate?

As the days pass, the boys in 4 Compassion are growing increasingly familiar and comfortable with one another. While their friendships are being strengthened having spent most of their school hours together, it is ocassionally inevitable that they disagree with one another. Boys being boys, tend to settle their differences in a rather 'unfriendly' manner. So this poster is to tell the boys how to be a nice classmate to one another.


Dear parents, the English files have been sent home for the students to revise for their CA1 Bite-Sized Assessment next week. In the file, you ought to find learning sheets of Units 1-3, Test papers 1-3, Holistic Assessment paper 2013 as well as Continual Assessment Paper 2012. You may also find additional worksheets that I have prepared to reinforce their vocabulary and grammar skills.

To prepare for vocabulary, please go through the vocabulary words found in the 3 units.

Eg. Unit 1: bird house, duck pond, garden shed, hose, lawn etc.
      Unit 2: beavers, campsite, garter snake, gear, swamp etc.
      Unit 3: Antonyms like win/lose, new/old, huge/tiny etc.
                  Synonyms like drinks/beverages, loving/affectionate etc.

To prepare for grammar, please study the tenses list which I have prepared for the class. They will need to know simple present tense, simple past, past continuous and future tense. You can also revise the worksheet on Evidence for Grammar 1 and 2 to get them to verbalise why a certain form of tense is used and backed by which evidence.

Monday 24 February 2014

Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

My interesting observation

After many years of teaching, I have observed that with the advancement in technology and the growing affluence of our society, there is actually little evidence to show that our children have hence improved in their ability to take care of themselves. Probably coupled with the fact that many families have fewer children, parents have the tendency to do everything for their children, or expects someone else to do everything for their kids. As a parent myself, I find it absolutely fine extending our love to our children. However, it could be a dangerous line to thread on if we are unable to draw the line between showing our love and robbing our children of opportunities to learn the important life skills that they should know.

When the boys first started formal education at Primary One, it is necessary and important to teach them the right habits of jotting down their homework in the student diary. Same routine is reinforced and carried out in Primary Two. One would assume that after 600 times of practices (200 school days x 3 years of primary school education), the students should have that habit formed. Unfortunately, NO. Some have totally no concept about writing down homework in their student diaries and that would result in them forgetting their homework.

You may try your luck at requesting that the teacher continue spoonfeeding your child and robbing him of an opportunity to learn responsibility and accountability. But, are we really helping your child? If we continue what was meted out at lower primary, how can we stop groaning that the children don't grow up? Ultimately, we are the ones who subscribe to the state they are in; irresponsible, unaccountable and indifference.

So I appeal to all parents that this year is the year to embark on changes. Changes which we want to see happening to our children. Changes that we will be proud of them when they accomplish a life skill.

ICT Training for Primary 4 students

ICT training for the students this year focuses on skills necessary for Microsoft Excel.

Continual Assessment 1

3rd February - 7th February 2014

3rd February 2014 (Monday) - English Language, Comprehension.

4th February 2014 (Tuesday) - Mathematics

6th February 2014 (Thursday) - Science

7th February 2014 (Friday) - English Language, Vocabulary and Grammar items.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


We will be conducting remedial/supplementary lessons for the pupils on a weekly basis.


Group 1:

6/2, 20/2, 27/3, 10/4, 24/4

Group 2:

13/2, 27/2, 3/4, 17/4, 8/5

Remedial starts at 2:05pm-3:15pm


For all students, every Friday from 2-245pm, starting from 14/2/12.


Friday 31 January 2014

CNY Classroom Decoration. We are 2nd!

4 Compassion emerged as 1st runner-up for Primary 4 level!

Chinese New Year Celebration (30/1/2014)

Dong Dong Dong Chiang!

Monfort Junior came together to celebrate the Chinese New Year with plenty of programmes in line for the children. Pupils were encouraged to turn up in traditional chinese costumes and to bring along 2 mandarin oranges to exchange good wishes and good luck. The parents from MJPC put in a lot of effort to reherase for a play about the 12 zodiac animals in the chinese calendar and they had been spending a lot of time in school to put up decorations. The pupils were particularly excited about the lion dance performance as well as the singing of chinese new year songs.

Jordan and Mark.

Elliot (middle) and Sanjeev (right)
getting ready to sing as a choir during the mass.

Keegan and Miko.

Blessing of the oranges.

The boys.

Lion dance troupe.

Performance by WuShu CCA.
Can you see Max in blue in the middle?

Performance by parents. Can you see the order of the 12 zodiac animals?

Whats up for Math? Mrs Tan Li Yi says...

We have completed Whole numbers 1 and we are currently at Whole numbers 2, focusing on factors and multiples. The pupils are able to grasp the basic concepts. They tend to be careless when it comes to questions which involve '0 in the answer.

Eg. Forty-eight thousand and six. The pupils put 4806 as their answer instead of  48 006. Or One hundred thousand; the pupils put 10 000 instead of 100 000. Hence, we need to help them pay more attention to such questions. One way to help them overcome this is to guide the pupils to draw a place value chart before writing out their answer.

In addition, as we are going through factors and multiples at the moment and are soon moving on to multiplication and division, the pupils need to master their multiplication tables and commit them to memory. Hence, they will need to spend more time at home mastering the multiplication tables.

The boys were paired up to play a game using multiplication table.