Friday 31 January 2014

Whats up for Math? Mrs Tan Li Yi says...

We have completed Whole numbers 1 and we are currently at Whole numbers 2, focusing on factors and multiples. The pupils are able to grasp the basic concepts. They tend to be careless when it comes to questions which involve '0 in the answer.

Eg. Forty-eight thousand and six. The pupils put 4806 as their answer instead of  48 006. Or One hundred thousand; the pupils put 10 000 instead of 100 000. Hence, we need to help them pay more attention to such questions. One way to help them overcome this is to guide the pupils to draw a place value chart before writing out their answer.

In addition, as we are going through factors and multiples at the moment and are soon moving on to multiplication and division, the pupils need to master their multiplication tables and commit them to memory. Hence, they will need to spend more time at home mastering the multiplication tables.

The boys were paired up to play a game using multiplication table.

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