Friday 31 January 2014

CNY Classroom Decoration. We are 2nd!

4 Compassion emerged as 1st runner-up for Primary 4 level!

Chinese New Year Celebration (30/1/2014)

Dong Dong Dong Chiang!

Monfort Junior came together to celebrate the Chinese New Year with plenty of programmes in line for the children. Pupils were encouraged to turn up in traditional chinese costumes and to bring along 2 mandarin oranges to exchange good wishes and good luck. The parents from MJPC put in a lot of effort to reherase for a play about the 12 zodiac animals in the chinese calendar and they had been spending a lot of time in school to put up decorations. The pupils were particularly excited about the lion dance performance as well as the singing of chinese new year songs.

Jordan and Mark.

Elliot (middle) and Sanjeev (right)
getting ready to sing as a choir during the mass.

Keegan and Miko.

Blessing of the oranges.

The boys.

Lion dance troupe.

Performance by WuShu CCA.
Can you see Max in blue in the middle?

Performance by parents. Can you see the order of the 12 zodiac animals?

Whats up for Math? Mrs Tan Li Yi says...

We have completed Whole numbers 1 and we are currently at Whole numbers 2, focusing on factors and multiples. The pupils are able to grasp the basic concepts. They tend to be careless when it comes to questions which involve '0 in the answer.

Eg. Forty-eight thousand and six. The pupils put 4806 as their answer instead of  48 006. Or One hundred thousand; the pupils put 10 000 instead of 100 000. Hence, we need to help them pay more attention to such questions. One way to help them overcome this is to guide the pupils to draw a place value chart before writing out their answer.

In addition, as we are going through factors and multiples at the moment and are soon moving on to multiplication and division, the pupils need to master their multiplication tables and commit them to memory. Hence, they will need to spend more time at home mastering the multiplication tables.

The boys were paired up to play a game using multiplication table.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Spelling 4 (7/2/2014)

1. favourite
2. jovial
3. contestant
4. withdraw
5. injured
6. original
7. replica
8. talented
9. jewellery
10. sparkled

Taking the lead in your own learning. Good job, Heston!

I walked into class one day and the boys were crowding around me as usual, updating me of the happenings in class which I missed. I noticed a shy boy holding a piece of paper behind his back who waited till everyone is done saying their piece before showing me whatever he was holding. I was pleasantly surprised! Heston showed me 2 pieces of drawings, one of the human system and the other a plant system, which he had printed from home. Then, he painfully labelled all the parts which Miss Han had taught them. I took a snapshot of his work and showed it to Miss Han, who was beaming with pride too! It was then that I learnt that this wasn't an assigned homework, but Heston's initiative to pen down his learning. (not to mention that Miss Han has yet to start teaching the plant system at this point) Heston, we are proud of you! Keep it up!

Look who is singing!

Spotted! Elliot and Sanjeev leading the school for Mass on Monday 27/1/2014.

Precious moments (24/1/2014)

Precious moments lesson today focuses on awareness of individual's good qualities. The boys sat in a circle and everyone had a turn to say one good quality for each one of their classmate. At the end of one round, the boys had to ascertain the good qualities mentioned by their friends by stating that they are such. The boys had fun thinking and coming up with the good qualities they think their friends possess.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Homework (22/1/2014)


Worksheets 3 & 4


Lesson was on rounding off to the nearest hundred.
No homework.


Corrections for Unit 1 worksheets and filing.
No homework.

*Reminder: Learn your spelling :)

Look who is serenading the teachers and friends with his guitar during lunch time?

Physical Education lesson (21/1/2014)

During PE lesson today, the boys practised kicking and stopping a football. I managed to catch them in action at the Indoor Sports Hall.

At half time. Drink up and listen!

Ethan balancing a ball on his head.

Sanjeev looking handsome!

Heston gearing up.

Iann stops for a pose.

Allinton demonstrating how to stop a ball under his foot.

Darren is ready to kick!

Monday 20 January 2014

Chinese New Year Classroom decoration

Over the past 2 weeks, many boys have contributed numerous chinese new year decorative items and some volunteered to help put them up. The judges walked round the school this morning while the boys were having assembly in the hall. The boys were really excited about their nicely done up classroom that we decided on an impromptu class photo.

Outside the classroom

Class notice board.
With pictures of horses drawn by the boys,
firecrackers made by Keegan and ang bao fishes from Spencer.

Spencer, Damien, Denzel and Keegan.
Lion dance heads from extreme left and extreme right made by Keegan!

Chinese wordings made by Mrs Tan.


Keegan and his Lion head!

Made using recycled materials like plastic bags and food packaging.

Monday 13 January 2014

Let's draw our organs! (Science)

Miss Han introduced the concept of having a Science notebook where the boys can copy down important notes and drawings that were taught during lesson. This method not only strengthens their knowledge, it helps to serve as important revision material when examinations are near. I must say that the teachers were very pleased to see the effort put in by the boys. Here are some of the drawings and notes by the boys.


Math activity. Pairwork. (13/1/2014)

Mrs Tan Li Yi sent the pictures over and commented that the boys were very focused when they were working on their Math activity. Good job boys!

Ethan and Keegan buried in work.

Don and Maverick too.

Max and Gabriel.

Monday Assembly Programme - Are we saying them wrongly?

Perhaps not everybody, but some of us are saying it wrongly. The objective for today's assembly programme is to highlight to the students that many had been asking questions in the wrong way. Question words like 'who', 'what', 'when', 'do you', 'shall we', should be placed in front of the sentence, instead of the back. Mdm Latitah shares with us.




Sunday 12 January 2014

Spelling Test 2 (17/1/14)

1. Argument
2. Souvenirs
3. Requested
4. Documentaries
5. Current
6. Professional
7. Refrigerator
8. Emerged
9. Moustache
10. Drifting

Friday 10 January 2014

Our first WOW! (Work-Out Wednesday)

We had our first WOW session on Wednesday. Instead of having a mass jog, the boys had a taste of trying out basic martial arts moves. With the soundtrack from Kungfu Panda, they sure had a whale of a time!

Getting ready for warm up.
Damien. Very very serious.
Denzel too. Very focused.
Spencer. Trying his best.
'Karate chop' move. But who is the one doing it correctly?